lactation & infant feeding
Feeding is so much more than what happens in the mouth!
We take a whole-body approach to address infant feeding challenges. Our comprehensive feeding evaluations consider the many factors that can impact breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding, ensuring a thorough and personalized plan of care.
We are committed to making sure you feel heard and supported. Together, we’ll develop a sustainable plan that leaves you feeling confident and prepared long after the visit.
Our evaluation includes an assessment of gross motor skills, oral motor skills, sensory processing, cranial molding, and more.
Common challenges we help families navigate include:
Painful latching
Tongue ties, lip ties, and cheek ties
Supplementation with infant formula
Weaning from a “triple feeding” plan
Bottle refusal
infant development & bodywork
Common reasons a baby may benefit from occupational therapy include:
Birth trauma— clavicle fracture, brachial plexus injury, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), or other conditions resulting in neonatal hypotonia (low muscle tone)
Feeding difficulties— breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or transitioning to solids
Tummy time difficulties
Delayed milestones (not rolling, sitting, crawling)
Prematurity or low birth weight
Torticollis or plagiocephaly
Sleeping & digestion difficulties
What is bodywork for baby?
Bodywork is a general term used for any hands-on modality that addresses the skin, fascia, muscle, and/or bone. Many professionals such as occupational therapists utilize these modalities in addition to traditional therapy to improve function. Modalities used in this practice include:
craniosacral therapy
myofascial release
total motion release
infant massage
Common reasons a baby may benefit from bodywork include:
less than optimal positioning in the womb
prolonged pushing stage during labor
vacuum assisted delivery
delivery with forceps
tongue tie, lip tie, cheek tie (tethered oral tissue)
restrictive gape (not opening wide to latch)
premature birth
head flattening (plagiocephaly)
prenatal services
Individual Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
In the individualized prenatal breastfeeding class, you’ll receive the same milky information, but personalized to your specific needs. We’ll go through a complete health history, review goals, manage expectations, review products, and create a plan that you can refer back to throughout the early days.
Group Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
This engaging virtual prenatal breastfeeding class is hosted on the third Saturday of each month. Unlike ordinary "learn about breastmilk" classes, this class is interactive and informative! Are you ready for an engaging and entertaining learning experience?